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News and Events

TAFISA Mission 2030 online workshop on Innovation in and through Sport for All

Feb. 3, 2023

On January 17, a webinar on “8th Mission 2030 Workshop: Innovation in and through Sport for All” was held. Max Tamazawa, SSF’s managing director participated as one of the speakers.

This event was co-hosted by TAFISA, the International Sports-Innovation-Network (SINN-i) and Innovationsmanufaktur. The aim of the Mission 2030 Workshop Series is to share and discuss best practices, knowledge or tools on 12 themes stated on Mission 2030 from each country to achieve "Sport for All". More than 300 people from 79 countries and regions pre-registered for the workshop, and despite the time difference, nearly 130 participants were watching the webinar on the day of the event.

The Managing Director of SSF, Max Tamazawa, who is also a member of the TAFISA Board, gave a presentation at the workshop from Japan. He introduced the concept of “Regional Sport Management Organization (RSMO)”, which is innovative approach to revitalize the regional sport developed by SSF and how the pilot project is working with Kakuda City in Miyagi Prefecture.

RSMO is an initiative to resolve the stagnation of regional sports promotion due to the serious depopulation including declining birthrate and ageing population in rural areas of Japan. It aims to create a sustainable regional sports environment by centralizing existing sport organizations to consolidate human and financial resources.

At the end of his presentation, “Tsudo-Yell” app was introduced as an example of digital innovation in “Sport for All” in Japan, which was developed by Physical Education and Medical Research Foundation with the grants from Nippon Foundation.

Other excellent speakers have provided great presentations on case studies and initiatives from different countries, making the workshop valuable for all of the participants.

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