Keynote speech, and a series of plenary/breakout sessions encouraged participants to discuss for creating a better world under the theme of “Sport for All in a Changing World”.
See more details of the congress opening from here.
1) House of Commons Debate
Various issues raised by 3 speakers respectively were discussed in a way of “House of Commons” that the participants were divided into 2 groups: “Pros” and “Cons”.
Example of issues are the followings.
- “Approaching to the parents, who are the biggest investors (sponsors) of their children’s sport activities, is crucial to ensure the sport environment for children”
- “Are high-cost materials and equipment necessary for sport activities?”
2) Open Mic Session
Current progress reports on several TAFISA projects were made by TAFISA office and other responsible TAFISA member organisations. Ryosuke TAKETOMI, Policy Director, Sasakawa Sports Foundation (SSF) gave a summary of its “TAFISA Mission 2030 survey” result which was conducted in collaboration with the TAFISA office in the early 2022. During his presentation, the importance of conducting consecutive and periodical progress survey on this TAFISA Mission 2030 was emphasised.
In addition, current progress of the following projects was introduced after SSF’s presentation.
- TAFISA World Walking Day 2022
- Master course on International Sports Development by TAFISA and University of Leipzig
- 2nd TAFISA European Sport for All Games in September 2022 (Italy, Perugia)
- 28th TAFISA World Congress in 2023 (Germany, Dusseldorf)
3) TAFISA Genera Assembly
At the TAFISA General Assembly held during the 27th TAFISA World Congress, 25 articles were discussed and approved. The articles include; approval of new members, approval of financial reports on 2019 and 2020, revision of TAFISA statutes, election of honorary members and president, approval of new TAFISA membership fee and so on. The details on the election of TAFISA President and Board members is available from here.
Future TAFISA events
Photos at the congress