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Japan’s Data + Sports

Annual changes in sports and physical activities

The 2022 SSF National Sports-Life Survey (1)
June 8, 2023

72.9% of people participated in sports and physical activities at least once in 2022.
The Sasakawa Sports Foundation has been conducting the National Sports-Life Survey in Japan. We analyze the data on participation in sports and physical activity in terms of frequency, duration, and intensity. This article presents the annual changes in sports and physical activities in Japan.

Annual changes in sports and physical activities

72.9% of people who participated in sports and physical activities at least once in 2022, which remains unchanged from the previous 2020 survey at 73.3%.

72.9% of people participated in sports and physical activities at least once in 2022.
The percentage of those who participated in sports and physical activities at least once a week has risen since 1992, from 23.7% to 58.5% in 2022.
Furthermore, the percentage for sports participation at least twice a week in 2022 was 49.1%, continuing its increase from 16.1% recorded in 1992.
The rate of active sports participants was 20.2%, exceeding 20% for three consecutive surveys since 2018. It is three times more than 1992 at 6.6%.



1 Introduction

In order to understand the levels of participation in sports and physical activities by Japanese, the Sasakawa Sports Foundation (SSF) has examined the statistical data gathered through the “SSF National Sports-Life Survey”, which has been conducted every other year since 1992. This survey measures the number of people aged 18 and over taking part in sports and physical activities across Japan in terms of frequencies, duration, and intensity. People take part in sports and physical activities in different ways, with many doing a range of activities including sports spectating and sports volunteering.

2 Survey design

1) Population: People aged 18 and over who live in Japan
2) Sample size: 3,000
3) Number of locations: 300 (90 in metro areas; 122 in cities with a population of over 100,000 people; 64 in cities with a population of less than 100,000 people; 24 in towns and villages)
4) Extracting method: Quota method

3 Survey period 

June 10th - July 10th, 2022

4 Survey methods

Leaving method:
The survey officials visit respondents, distributing a paper-based questionnaire and having the respondents fill out the questionnaire within a certain period. Then, the survey officials return to the respondents to collect the questionnaire.

5 Survey sample

3,000 Male : 1,503, Female : 1,497
18・19 years old 75 Male : 41, Female : 34
20-29 374 Male : 193, Female : 181
30-39 437 Male : 223, Female : 214
40-49 582 Male : 299, Female : 283
50-59 529 Male : 267, Female : 262
60-69 489 Male : 241, Female : 248
70 and over  514 Male : 239, Female : 275

Description of terms

■ Range of sports and physical activities

This survey measures a wide range of sporting activities including fitness activities, Strolling/Walking/Cycling for leisure or travel and dance.The school PE classes were excluded whilst sports club activities at schools and workplaces were included.

■ Estimated participants

Estimated sports participants are calculated by applying the rate of regular sports and physical activities participation over the past year to the total population of those 18 and over (105,448,713 people in Japan).

■ Level of participation in sports and physical activities

In this survey, the participation in sports and physical activities are divided into the following levels; “Level 0” for those who did not participate in any sports or physical activities for the past year; “Level 1” for those who participated at least once during the year, but less than twice a week; “Level 2” for those who participated at least twice a week; “Level 3” for those who participated at least twice a week with a duration of “more than 30 minutes”; and “Level 4” for those who participated at least twice a week, duration of “more than 30 minutes”, and with more than moderate intensity.

Application for information use

Upon request, we will provide raw data (including cross-tabulation results, text in Japanese only) from every National Sports-Life Survey taken to date. Interested parties should contact the SSF through the link below.


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